This course will introduce the student to a multitude of reimbursement systems including but not limited to Ambulatory Patient Classification (APC), Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG), Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups (MS-DRG), Resource Utilization Groups (RUG), and other Prospective Payment Systems (PPS) to include inpatient and outpatient reimbursement. Revenue cycle management processes including claims, advanced beneficiary notice (ABN), explanation of benefits (EOB), electronic data interchange (EDI) as well as case mix index (CDI), chargemaster maintenance and the denial appeals process are reviewed and discussed. Coding quality and compliance strategies and plans are reviewed. – 5 quarter credit

This course provides an overview of computerized health information systems, computer-based patient records including architecture and design, evaluation and acquisition, data integrity, security and privacy concepts, and applications in health information management. Also examined are topics of data dictionaries, data modeling, data warehousing, screen design, personal health records and micrographics, electronic or imaging technology for data/record storage and retrieval. – 5 quarter credits 

Navigate complex healthcare industry regulations with ease! Discover how to confidently apply legal and ethical principles to health information in your healthcare organization. Learn about primary healthcare laws, ethical principles, HIPAA, patient rights, consent to treatment, the legal health records, and fraud and abuse. Above all, prepare to apply these regulations to your role in the stewardship of health information and its ultimate connection to quality patient care.

This course provides an overview of health record content and documentation, coding, regulatory, fraud surveillance, information protection, data quality, compliance and coding ethics – 2.5 quarter credits 

This course provides an overview of health record content and documentation, coding, regulatory, fraud surveillance, information protection, data quality, compliance and coding ethics – 2.5 quarter credits 

This course provides an overview of health record content and documentation, coding, regulatory, fraud surveillance, information protection, data quality, compliance and coding ethics – 2.5 quarter credits